Na Zlíchově 27,Praha 5 (Hlubočepy)
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10. října 2022 v 12:45
shree patil
Health checkups commonly have diabetes test & lipid profile.
Preparation for health checkup
10-12 hrs. fasting is required. During this time, no food or drinks are allowed except for water.

Health checkup is combination of relevant pathology blood tests. They are aimed at evaluating your health status. You can opt for blood tests & diagnostics tests. The results are explained by expert doctors. You can modify your lifestyle & diet as needed.
10. října 2022 v 12:38
10. října 2022 v 12:36
shree patil
Healthy weight loss is done by reducing fat & gaining muscle. It is result of healthy diet & fitness regime. Your metabolism plays significant role in your weight loss. Eat more proteins. Reduce carbs & fat.

Commonly done tests for diabetes are blood sugar fasting & PP.
HbA1c is another test for diabetes. It gives average sugar control of 3 months. This test can diagnose patients who are pre-diabetic.
10. října 2022 v 12:36
10. října 2022 v 12:35
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10. října 2022 v 12:23
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10. října 2022 v 12:05
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10. října 2022 v 10:18
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10. října 2022 v 09:12
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10. října 2022 v 08:37
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10. října 2022 v 07:36
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