28. června 2022 v 07:07
According to a report, 21% of frauds are detected at the final stage only when customers personally register complaints to the customer support panel. But, we all know that frauds are a step-by-step process strategized by questionable elements in society. Ping Call has a ready-to-use Fraud Detection Tools kit that can be instantly deployed in your lead generation strategy.
Different stages at which frauds are committed
Call center frauds
Email frauds
Internet banking frauds
Mobile banking frauds
Shopping casket frauds
And the list goes on…
How Ping Call minimized the chances of Fraud in your B2B setup
Ping Call experts have used a layered approach with Fraud Detection Company circumvention to prevent any chances of poor sales experience. We bring to the table an efficient voice biometric system, an over-the-top anti-phishing software, multi-level user authentication, and verification system, etc. Our experts are committed to a safe internet space that harbors the advantages of every social and business grouping. So for more call
us@+1-(855) 239-7670 or visit at website: