27. května 2021 v 00:32
Actually i have been suffering from driving as i never had my Italian licence for about 7 months now as i am not from this country, i met this guy online
https://patentediguidavalida.com- on this site and he told me he could get me a valid Italian licence without exam in 5 days, i could not believe him, but deep down in me i really knew that i needed it, so i decided to give it a shot,he asked me to pay him the sum of 500 upfront and a balance of 1000 making it 1500 when i get the licence and confirm it is valid, i was so scared, so i had to talk with my wife about it, since she is Italian, she refused but i just believed i should take the risk. I took the risk and paid the 500 without my wife concern and stayed in panic for the 5 days that followed. On the 5th day morning which happened to be a Tuesday, i called this guy and asked of the progress of the licence of which he asked me to calm, fortunately i was not going to work that day. At 1 pm i had given up and was playing with my kids knowing that i had lost 500. At 15 mins pass 3 i was so surprised when i heard a knock at the door and it was the delivery agent. I immediately rushed and opened and smiled as he handed over the envelope to me. I oponed and found it was my licence, i could not believe so i checked online and it was on the system. I immediately called and pay the balace of 1000. I told my friends and 6 of them now have valid Italian Licence from
https://patentediguidavalida.com you can be next,
https://patentediguidavalida.com/-comprare-patente -Napoli
https://patentediguidavalida.com/-comprare-patente -Napoli
https://patentediguidavalida.com/Come-comprare-la- patente
https://patentediguidavalida.com/Comprare-la-paten te
https://patentediguidavalida.com/comprare-patente- b
https://patentediguidavalida.com/Compra-Patente-On line
https://patentediguidavalida.com/patente-guida-ita liana